A Federal UK

The Defence of the Federal UK.

Over the last few years the defence capabilities of the UK has been eroded due to short sightedness upon the part of the politicians who seem to think that saving money is more important than the defence of the realm. It is a well known fact that saving money does not save the realm, not from terrorists, corporate attacks against the nation or direct attacks against the nation from another.

The world we live in is an uncertain place with many countries who have remained unstable for many years since WWII. Some are in South America, many are in Africa and the Middle East, some exist closer to home in Eastern Europe. Russia is showing signs, however slight, of returning to it’s cold war era in terms of international relations, including signs of airspace incursion. China seems to be flexing her muscles in the Western Pacific. All of these problems must be addressed mainly by diplomacy. Yet diplomacy cannot be effective if not supported by strength of arms.

Peace without strength is a tragedy waiting to happen and many nations will not respect diplomacy if they sense weakness in their counterparts. The only exception to this is terrorism, for terrorists don’t even respect strength shown by their opponents.

The UK must consider that in the near or far future, that a direct attack upon the UK may happen at any time and from any nation that may have serious problems with diplomacy, as well as having to deal with various acts of terrorism by another nation or not as the case may be. In order to meet these threats the UK must have significantly larger defence forces than we have now. Not to do so based on saving money, I believe, is an act of treason.

The Gallery on your right shows some of the flags and insignia of those forces and organisations that are essential to the defence of the peoples of the Federal UK. Peace through strength will help save us, any other way is just plain suicide.

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